Arctic Remembrance

It’s funny how you forget when you meet people. I don’t remember meeting my best friends. I don’t remember the first time I saw him. I don’t remember what I thought. On FaceTime. In person. None of it.

It’s funny how you remember the things people say. I remember “I am literally obsessed with you.” “Let’s have kids. A house in Virginia”. I remember “marry me”. In bed. Outside. Drunk. All of it.

It”s funny how you remember the way people make you feel. I remember sadness. I remember manic episodes, depression. “I would find you attractive, but I just can’t get passed some features”. I remember love. Inside. Outside. All of it.

It”s funny how it ends. Talking. Analyzing. “I am bad for your mental health”. “I love you. Always”. I don’t remember enough. But I remember all of it.

I wish we had more time to remember.

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